Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New skirts and old shoes

First, my productive weekend of skirt-sewing. Really, it's very sad that we didn't sell our house before the tax credit expired, but this post-tax-credit lull in the house-showing is actually pretty nice. It's so refreshing to do things besides frantically hide kid clutter and cat hair. This weekend I had several projects going on, including sewing these two skirts. They are both on the same basic A-line model, but the first is a super-comfy blue knit and the second is a brown linen blend. I plan to get a lot of use out of both. I was especially pleased with the way the trim around the bottom of the blue one turned out. I was actually in bed Saturday night, all tucked in and trying to sleep, and I was lying there thinking about how the blue skirt I'd just made needed a little something extra. Then I got the idea to make these little ruffles out of raw strips of fabric, similar to trim I'd seen at TJ Maxx last week, and I got back out of bed and did it while everyone else slept. Hooray for late-night skirt-embellishing!

Today the kids and I had a pretty good day. Lovely sunny weather, a nice walk (with Dorothy on her scooter) to the post office in the morning, then a fun craft project at home for the girls while Worth slept, then an afternoon trip out to the farmer's market and the grocery. Only problem was, by the time I got everyone in clean clothes and diapers and all associated gear ready for our afternoon errands, I totally forgot to look down at my feet. I wear hot pink Crocs around the house all summer because they are so comfortable and practical for home or garden, but I never wear them out. (Because a. they are Crocs and that's sooo a-few-years-ago, and b. they are hot pink, for Pete's sake.) And if I did wear them out, it would be with maybe my black workout capris and a tank top or something. Not a cute brown skirt and off-white t-shirt. But I just forgot. We were already at the farmer's market before I noticed, and there was no way I was going to go back home just because I felt like my shoes weren't cool. Sigh. And I went to Kroger that way too. Surely I have started a new fashion trend in Louisville, no?

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